As some of you may have seen on Social Media, the OrlandoDrummer Team said goodbye to Snitch this week; my 14 year old pitbull/dachshund mix, who's been with us from the very beginning.
Snitch was at my feet for a vast majority of editing and recording sessions, and has made his way into many videos here in the Member Vaults, and on YouTube over the years. He now rests outside the OrlandoDrummer Studios.
For the first time in 5+ years, I will not be releasing a new Lesson and Loop this week. I apologize to those inconvenienced by this, and expect to resume as normal next Saturday.
This weekend, 100% of profit from the Loop Store will be donated to the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando; a local pet charity that funded Snitch's spine surgery in 2014.
Hug your pets this weekend, and tell them that Snitch and the OD Team send their love.
I know that snitch's death is very hard and sad, but his soul will be with you always. I fully believe that it is not just someone's memory that lasts in our memory; it is his soul that lives in our hearts.
I also have my dogs, and I love them as much as my children, they are an essential part of our life and our family. Chere up my friends!
Thank you for the uplifting words! Very much appreciated. =)